My works represent the process of unraveling the repetitive thoughts from life experiences and the journey of time and talk about what I am obsessed with. To me, photographs are a way of discovering unfamiliarity out of familiarity and seeing the beauty created by such unfamiliarity. And as those experiences accumulate, photographs serve as an effective medium to express how the perspective of seeing myself gradually changes. My series have been born out of the fear that my existence will disappear when I finally face death, the physical destination of my time travel, and I still continue my photographic career with the same questioning mind.
    The “buste” series begins from the human desire for immortality, a wish to be remembered as the memory of golden years of youth and beautiful looks. Then it reaches a process of remembering death through old models who are helplessly standing on the last verge of disappearance as realistic resignation and the essence of physical and mental changes.

    Busts are sculpted representations created to commemorate and remember great figures everyone can think of based on universal sentiments, most commonly a group of selected historical figures. My photographs of busts were created as a way to reveal that every existence has a meaning and to drag down the figures that dominated the past history, thereby contemplating over the meaning of my own existence.
    My other series featuring trees visualizes anxiety—which hovers above the dark space that has infinite distances—not as representation of trees, but as that of emotional memories. This is also a product of my memory of facing a guardian tree in my childhood—anxiety, unfamiliarity, and the aesthetic experience brought by unfamiliarity—and my experience of trying to face death. Beyond photographic representation, I extremely simplified lights and colors in order to visualize emotional memories, or the energy of trees that simultaneously possess the time of life and death. The results are a landscape of private experiences that expose unforgettable memories or imagination piled inside me.